I received some well-timed bubbles in the mail the other day. I am now under the instruction that I must take said bubbles and shower them down on Seattle from the roof top gardens of the apartment building. Even my mom said she was game for that. Tee hee.... This could be fun. :) Definitely. One of these days that are so sunshiny and nice, I will haul myself up there and sprinkle the world with a little soap. Seattle needs it. :) So, thank you to W and C for the bubbles, they will be countless moments of enjoyment. :)
Beyond bubbles now, things are going well. I have actually felt pretty good today. The doctors put me back on a stomach settling drug and so far seems to be working. Still struggling with sleeping, but that's because I don't tire myself out enough. Momsy and I are looking forward to the walking tours of some churches and to the Kubota Gardens that are apparently free (bonus) and beautiful. SO, hopefully, tomorrow there will be some walking and mental stimulation all in one to tire me out. Yes, that would be good.
Today we spent the day going through all of my papers and such finding any documentation and writing a letter that may convince my insurance company to pay more for my rent. Have to pay rent again on the 1st and that depletes my funds. Literally, so, if they don't start covering at least MORE, there is a high possibility that my mom and I will have to find another place to live. Which isn't really easy since we have to live with 15-20 of SCCA. There's not a lot of cheap options. Wait, Cheap, CLEAN, SANITARY options. So, cross your fingers and pray with us that my insurance company will find our argument and supporting documents compelling enough to fork out some fundage. :)
After the great paper chase we chilled a lot, rested a bit, then spent the evening at a church event. They showed the movie 17 Miracles. Fantastic. All about the Martin Pioneer Handcart Company that came across the plains from Iowa to Utah with handcarts in some dire conditions and the miracles that were witnessed. I cried. Speaking of crying. I don't know what the deal is, I'm not on any hormone drugs or anything, but man am I emotional. Yeeeeeesh. I cry at the least little thing. TV Shows, commercials, etc. It's ridiculous. And I can't control it!!! The least little thing and Dani needs a tissue. Seriously, this has got to end. Hopefully my emotions will begin balance as my body balances. It would be a relief to think that I'm not gonna be a mess forever. Now, don't get me wrong, most of my crying has been over sad things, or happy things, or stressful things, but I'm not like depressed and crying to my mother about my trials. That would be goofy. Things are going great. :)
So, now that we are back home and I have taken my sleeping meds, I should probably go rest. I can get silly when they finally kick in, and we so don't want the "Blab" to witness me being silly do we? Nope. So, peace out. Good night. Love you all and again as I always say and will continue saying, I am grateful to you ALL for your love and support. Thanks heaps.
Hey! Come back! I like silly, we all like silly! The "blab" can handle silly........and she us asleep. Well, at least that is good for her too.