Monday, 4 July 2011

Happy Fourth of July!

Happy Independence Day!  It is beautiful here today mid 70's and sunny.  We can see Mt. Ranier out of the hospital window today!  The doctors suggested that Dani put her head on the other end of her bed tonight and watch the fireworks through her window.  We will see if she wants to watch anything at 10 pm tonight except her pillow.  The pain is some better today, they finally got the medicine dosage strong enough.  She is very sleepy though.  So she has spent a great deal of the day sleeping, but she says she snores and wakes herself up.  Funny, huh!

I met a woman today whose husband is 73 years old and just had a transplant!  He is the oldest person they have ever given one to here, but there is a new experimental procedure that they used.  He is at this point free of lukemia, but has an infection.  He was very healthy before the lukemia, he biked 15 miles a day and swam laps.  So they thought he would be healthy enough to have a transplant and so far, it seems he is doing well.

Hopefully just a few days from now, Dani will begin to engraft and start to feel better.  We are holding on, and looking forward to that.  She has one more does of methotrexate on Wednesday, that is a chemo, but it helps fight GVHD.  It may make her nauseus but they are getting a better handle on that too.  So maybe by the latter part of the week, she may feel a lot better.  She doesn't talk at all, she is using her sign language, which unfortunately, I don't understand.  I try hard to ask "yes or no" questions, so she can just nod or shake her head.  The nurses are great as are the doctors.  They are used to listening to people who can't talk because they have mucositis. 

Hope you all have a wonderful 4th of July and remember how blessed we are to live in this great country.  Thanks to each of you, more later.

Oh, I forgot, someone wanted the physical address again.  It is 525 Minor Ave N, Apt 601, Seattle, WA 98109
Bye for now


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