Friday, 17 June 2011

Busulfan Beauty.......

So, two doses of my chemo down. In case you didn't guess, Busulfan, is the name of my current chemo drug. I am taking this one as an out-patient and the drug is administered in pill form. These pills are itty bitty pills so they take five and put them into a clear gel cap. That makes it much easier. We still have to count all the little pills and then all the gel caps every time I take it. It's quite the endeavor. These first two doses were based on my weight and what they wanted to drug to do. Then of course I spent the day getting my blood taken a trillion times. OK, it was only eight. But, eight blood draws in between the hours of 8:45 and 2:00 is a lot. Can we just say that I am grateful for the Hickman Line at this point. Yes.
So, once all my labs came in after the first dose, they adjusted the dosage based on what the drug was ACTUALLY doing compared to what they want it doing. Like, how I am metabolising the drug and if my body is responding. So, turns out, I wasn't responding enough because they upped my dosage by 12 mgs. That is actually quite a bit for this type of drug, so we'll see how the next four go.
Here's how the typical schedule goes. 7am - Anti-nausea drugs, 8am - Busulfan, 8:15 - more anti-nausea drugs (optional, but really, who's gonna pass on that?), Blood tests till 2. Rinse and repeat with Anti-nausea at 1pm, 2pm - Busulfan, more anti-nausea etc...... repeat again at 7pm/8pm then again at 1am/2am. Yes, you saw that right. We have to get up at 1AM in order to take pills. If there has ever been a more lame reason to get up in the middle of the night, this one wins. LAME. ah well.
I AM going to try my best for as long as I can to monitor my getting up and my taking of pills myself so my mother has a little break before she has to do EVERYTHING. I feel bad that I'm still well enough to do stuff and she also feels that since she's here she can do it as well. I dunno, but it will all work itself out. :)
So, if any of the above made sense I will be surprised. I am a little foggy right about now. Now I'm off to take another dose of chemo, some more anti-nausea then off to bed. So, fare thee well all my fair friends and we will chat again soon. 

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