Monday, 25 April 2011

Say 8!!!!!!! - Brian Regan

Yes yes, Morphine. :) That's the stuff.... And lo and behold, it is now the FIFTH drug in my ever growing daily cocktail.... It's a tiny pill and purple to boot. :)
This last Thursday my doctor and I had a long chat about my "malfunction junction" and decided that between the Norco, Aleve and Baby Aspirin, yes Baby Aspirin, that my pain was just having too much of a heyday. So.... Morphine it is. Um.... can we just say... wow. Yah... I had no idea really how much pain I was not supposed to be feeling until I started in on the Morphine. I could actually sleep through the night without having to move every three seconds or get up and take Norco every couple hours. MIRACLE! :) There have been a couple rough spots of being sick and getting to know my sister's bathroom REALLY well, but other than that, it's been SO much better than when I was popping Norco every three hours.... wow.
I haven't ever been one to just pop a pill for every little thing, ya know, just suck it up and tough it out. I do think, however, that I'm growing more and more grateful for the medicinal advances that have been made. I also think I'm becoming more and more aware that I am NOT Wonder Woman. Maybe She-Ra, but NOT wonder woman. :) This has been one of the more difficult things to process in this whole adventure. Dealing with my weaknesses. WHAT? Yes, I have weaknesses, don't tell anyone. No, I have had to face up to the fact that even though in the past I have been able to rely only on myself and make it through, ain't gonna happen anymore. I AM grateful for all of the support I have and all of the encouragement. It means a lot, even as an adult, to know that someone is rooting for us. :)
This reminds me... the other day I was in a public restroom, when I hear this tiny child's voice. "Good job mommy, you went to the potty... do you get a chocolate now?" I mean really, who doesn't want to be rewarded or cheered on right? :) I loved it. I had to leave before I started guffawing. :)
Anyway, Morphine is the update. I'm actually doing pretty good otherwise. Crossing my fingers that this match search won't take too much longer, but knowing that the schedule is in someone else's hands. Hands that I trust. :) That's all I need to know right? Right. Peace out boys scouts and thanks for your continued support and laughter. :) Love it.

1 comment:

  1. She-Ra. Yeah, that's it. She could beat Wonder Woman any day of the week - just like you.
